That magical feeling when you find one of those special ultra brave TB’s who loves to jump, and who wants to jump anything put in front of them. Those ultra bold, scopey, balanced TB’s that used to rule eventing… The type that makes everything feel so easy, and gives their rider a false sense that every horse must be this magical cross country…
Specter attended his first jumper show and first horse trial this month, and wow he is special… An absolute machine who wants to jump whatever you point him at and didn’t bat an eye at a single fence.
We try to produce the horses until they are machines who know and love their jobs and are ready for the amateur or junior markets… This one is absolutely incredible that he figured out his job from day 1 and is already ready for that role.
Specter wants to find an amateur or junior who likes a bold, brave horse who is super rateable, scopey, and who looooooves to jump. He’ll give you better wings than Red Bull ever could.
Ocala FL
Ocala, FL, USA