Sweetheart, brave, scopey
Sweetheart, brave, scopey
2015 17h bay roan TB gelding. A good friend bred him and he’s been mine since he was a weanling….raced til he was 5. Ready for training now. He’s a cool guy! Giant lap dog on the ground. Can be sensitive undersaddle and really wants his own person! He’s the bravest XC horse I’ve ever ridden. Scope for Prelim + easily. Simple on the flat. Jumps no matter what. Dressage scores don’t reflect how nice he is, as the Amateur that’s been riding him the last couple of years had never done dressage before and she panics in the ring which makes him a bit tense. He’s a lovely mover and capable of great scores!
I competed him Novice Nov ‘21, then he sat most of 2022 while I was pregnant, I then leased him to a student starting Jan 2023 and she was paying him off and then quit paying so he’s got to get off my payroll. I would absolutely keep him if I could afford to show 2, but now with my new upper level guy, I’ve got to sell him to fund my FEI goals.
I should be asking 40k, but honestly I have too many horses and this guy isn’t going to tolerate a ton of people coming to try him, so asking 25k but super open to offers or creative payments!
Covington, LA, USA