2017 TB gelding “Guinness” registered name DOULIKEBEERSENATOR (off track but never raced)16.1h and huge bodied. takes up a ton of leg
(Rider is 5’7 and long legged) Enough chrome to be flashy but not so much it’s a pain to keep clean
Fresh off a 5th place finish in his debut at Novice at Stableview in December !
Very in your pocket personality, the class clown, and first one up to you in the field. Can be a little pushy and mouthy but not a mean bone in his body.
Snaffle mouth, the same horse on and off property. Hacks out alone or in company.
Has trail ridden, ridden bareback, heck I’ve even put my very novice husband on him in a western saddle. Ride him once a week or 7 days a week, more woah than go, quick learner and doesn’t know how to say no. Will jump anything you point him at. No buck, bolt or rear.
Safe, sane enough for an advanced beginner but needs a firm hand on the ground or he will see what he can get away with.
Loads, clips, ties, currently in front shoes and UTD on all shots, coggins and dentistry
Charlotte, NC, USA