Good temperament, Talented, Fun
Good temperament, Talented, Fun
Mysore Palace (Indie) is a 10 years old, 16h2 Holsteiner gelding that we owned since he was a 3 yo. He has been trained by an AA for eventing and has successfully moved up the levels to ev105 (modified) and schooled up to ev110 (preliminary). Indie has won most of the events he attended, often leading from dressage. Most recently, he won the 2023 Ontario Eventing Championships in ev105 against a very competitive field and his latest outing in the ev100 in Quebec.
While he did have an extremely fruitful career in eventing, we believe he would be happier being a low level eventer (comfortable up to ev100/training level) or doing pure dressage in the future as he has such natural abilities in that field.
Indie schools with a lot of ease 3rd level movements in dressage (half pass at the trot and canter, extended and collected gaits, shoulder in, travers, renvers, rein back, 1/2 turn on the haunches, counter-canter, and flying changes (still green, but will be easy to finish off)). He would ce any trouble moving up the levels of dressage without limitations.
Indie is a big bodied horse with great hooves and legs. He is fit, sound, no maintenance and is an easy keeper. He is a barn favorite with absolutely everyone at the barn and is such a smooth guy to be around. He is perfect for the farrier, the vet, clipping and he travels like a champ.
We are currently asking 65 000$ in cad, which converts to approximately 47 000$ usd
57 Rue Sainte-Anne, Québec, QC G1R 5M1, Canada