Safe easy amateur friendly
Safe easy amateur friendly
Oxidation (Ox) is a 2018 thoroughbred gelding. I bought Ox as a 3 yr old after he came off the track. Ox has been all over the Midwest showing, spent a winter in Ocala, and now he’s in North Carolina. (I travel for work, and he made traveling with a horse easy as pie). Ox has a pretty impressive USEA show record to be a second career 6 yr old. He competed in YEH-5 as a coming 5 yr old, went to various USEA shows, including The Event at Rebecca Farms, and competed in the Open Novice division at AECs.
Ox is a kick ride, safe, safe, and did I mention safe? He LOVES xc, trail riding, and being loved on. He’s also been first flight fox hunting which he thinks is awesome and would love someone to take him hunting more often.
I have done all of Ox’s training and would trust anyone on this horse. He’s perfect for an AA or young rider that has lower level aspirations. Not that he can’t jump advanced height, he just doesn’t have the aspiration to be an upper level horse.
Ox has no vices and no injuries from the track. He trailers like a champ, and can be turned out 24/7 or on a turn in/out schedule.
If you’re looking for a young horse that you can jump on and feel confident and safe, he’s your guy. He’s the same horse if you ride him 5 days a week, or give him 3 weeks off. Same horse on the property and off the property, and he won’t embarrass you at shows. He will stand all day at the trailer or in the trailer.
Ox is a once in a lifetime horse. For sale at no fault of his own.
I also have loads of videos.
Wake Forest, NC, USA