It’s been 14 years and thousands of horses sold since SHN began but our original mission remains the same: connecting quality horses with homes where they can be happy and successful. Now we’re leveling up with advanced user features and a reimagined matchmaking strategy.
We believe in better partnerships through smarter matchmaking. We believe in a horse-first marketplace where radical transparency isn’t the exception but the rule. We believe there is a perfect equine match for every rider, and our goal is to bring them together.
We are riders who have bought and sold horses ourselves, so we know how exciting, and stressful, the process can be. From misleading ads to tire-kickers and awkward test rides, we outlined the problems that we ourselves have encountered. And then, we solved them.
Sport Horse Nation is the premier marketplace for buying and selling three-day eventing horses. Since 2010, Sport Horse Nation has helped thousands of horses find their perfect home through our horses-first, eventing only community.
And please visit our sister site, Dressage Only, to view the best selection of dressage horses for sale available anywhere.
Sport Horse Nation posts classifieds provided by readers and therefore cannot verify or make any warranty as to the validity or reliability of such information. See our Terms of Use for more information. Sport Horse Nation cannot verify any requests or inquiries regarding published listings. Proceed at your own risk and be careful. See link below for more information on how to spot a scam.
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